Thursday, December 15, 2011

“Second of the Five Love’s”!

Epithumia, is the next Love that I will briefly touch on! This love, like the rest; shows, acts, and provides strong character, another one which many of us lack the knowledge on. We use it all the time! There are negative characteristics and positive one's, we seem to base most naturally around the negative! E.G. a married man sees a stunning woman or a man perhaps, and reluctantly acts upon his urge to have her. A woman the same, sees a man or a woman and begins to press for completion or accomplish the goal of " I got to have him/her"! We utilize this Epithumia Love in everyday thinking. It's called Lust! Desire! A powerful force that drives the soul, heart, mind, and whole being... It's OK to "Desire" only when exercised with discipline! It takes prayer and respect for this kind of Love to keep you in peace! Epithumia: desire strong desire, lust, covet! Negatively speaking we allow this to overtake us and we find out that this love only lasts for a moment! I will speak on a more healthier love that we so seldom use! It's OK to Desire him/ her or things positively speaking but beware that our thirst for more, our urge to sin is inevitable! This kind of Love is the main one that breaks happy homes, relationships of all kinds use it with respect and consider your outcome when involved with this love... To be continued

The Five Types Of Love!

“First of the Five Love's”

Agape Love: A Greek variation of one of five types. This Love is a powerful one, more powerful than the other Four. Agape is most considered to be called Charity. When we think of charity we think of Giving, sacrificial. This is correct, some may say that Agape is not charity, but it is. A love that is giving when you least "deserve" it. A Love that is found in the middle of your wrong doing, this love shows you that you are and will continue to be Imperfect. Agape is a love that is not based on the feeling that many of us experience, but it is a determined act of will. How can you love a person who robbed and stole from you, how can you forgive that person whom cheated on you through infidelity, how can you love a person who cares nothing for you. Agape Love is one Who allows forgiveness; even in our trespasses, one Who allows for redemption; even in our infidelities, One who allows for Forgetting the crime, as so many of us find hard to do. We speak in this language so often; "I'll forgive him/ her but I will not forget". This shows you do not truly love this person as Agape exemplifies. I will for the next Four days explain the meaning of the other types of love. A mother who just had a baby is placed in a situation which leaves her to a decision many of us would have a hard time making. She can live and walk away from the scene where a murderer is set in place offering her two choices, she can lay down her life for her children or she can die with them! A true Mother's instinct will be to offer a negotiation, her life for her children's. This act is of Agape Love. A Man who finds his wife in the middle of an affair (first time of course) has the decision to make, Leave her or stay of course most would choose the first, but because this man knows a stronger Love (Agape) he forgives and and never to speak of the situation again; forgetting the crime (at least never speaking of it against his wife). These are an Act of Agape Love, but know that this love is one that we are not capable of "doing" in our human nature! This Love requires the Source... God! Forgiving that which has been done wrong to you is hard, forgiving the criminal, the boss who fired you for righteousness, the person who separated him or herself for unjustly reasons is hard, Genuinely Loving a person because it's right is challenging. But God loves all of us regardless of creed, race, sex, or even attitude! No matter how many times we commit a crime against Him, He always loves us. AGAPE LOVE